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Principal's Message

"All students can and will learn in an environment where they are safe, challenged, and enjoy the learning process."

At Washington School our children truly come first. Working as a team, the staff and parents of Washington School have a century-old tradition of providing students with a quality education in a school environment that cultivates and promotes the acquisition of lifelong learning skills.

Reading is the most important skill a person could have. We read to gain knowledge, to keep informed, and to be entertained. This year Washington School is focusing on fostering an immense love of reading in every person within its walls. Through the use of Balanced Literacy, Accelerated Reader, the Book-It Program, and our annual WSPA-sponsored Read-a-Thon, students will be given many opportunities to find the love of reading within themselves.

If technology is the way of the future, then the future is here now. The students that we teach today will become the guiding forces in jobs and professions that have not even been thought of yet. Preparing them for theses as-yet-to-be-created careers means giving our students a strong background in technology, but also a multitude of opportunities to think, question, and be creative, so that they can become the inventors and innovators of tomorrow’s technologies.

In another effort to prepare our students for the world ahead of them, Washington School is focusing on the Three Rs of Success. These are Responsibility, Respect, and Readiness. These three guiding principles of life will help our students be the best they can be while at Washington School but will also aid them in their quest to be successful lifelong learners.

Thomas J. Lawrence